Alpha Upsilon Mother's Club
The AGR Mother’s Club exists to support the Brothers of Alpha Gamma Rho and is open to any mother of an active brother or alumni, as well as any woman, regardless of age, who wishes to support the Brothers of Alpha Upsilon.
Mother’s Club dues are $50 per school year, or $25 per semester. All of the money collected supports the Brothers of the Alpha Upsilon Chapter. We use the dues we collect to be able to support the fraternity in various ways. Some of the ways we have supported the men at 225 University Street this year include:
- Sponsor the “Mother’s Club Scholarship” in the amount of $500 which is awarded to a deserving active each Spring. (The scholarship is applied directly to the recipient’s house bill.)
- Purchased a trophy case for the game room
- Bought 2 new sets of washers/dryers in conjunction with the Alpha Upsilon Alumni
- Paid for the processing of several hogs and beef donated recently. We do want to thank all alumni and families of actives who have donated ground beef, hogs, and beef. These donations make a huge impact on the food budget and allow for much more variety in meals.
We implemented a new program in the Fall of 2009 called “Pound the AGRs”. This program involves the mothers of active members sending back food staples or supplies with their sons after various breaks. We’ve had several poundings focused on food supplies such as a pound of --- bacon, sugar, flour, rice, etc. This fall we received word that there were some needs in the kitchen, so we “pounded” with dish towels, dish rags, hot pads, and tumblers. This has been a fun program to participate in, and it does help offset the food budget. We hope to see this program continue for years to come.
The Mother’s Club is embarking on new ways to get to know each other better. We have recently started a “Face Book Group” (AGR/UTM Mother’s Club) as a way to communicate and stay in touch with each other. We are also planning a “Mothers Club Retreat” that will be held March 26-27, 2010. This will give us as mothers, a time to get to know each other in a fun, relaxed setting. The agenda will be to get to know each other, fellowship, play games, eat, and have fun!
Mother’s Club Officers for 2011-2012:
President: Allison H. Climer, DVM
Treasurer: Linda Robinson Fowler
Secretary: Jonna Powell