
    How many members does the house hold?
    A: Our house accommodates a maximum of 48 brothers with 2 brothers per room.
      We have a House Mother that lives in the house with us. Her role is to be our mom away from home.


    Q:  What is the cost of living in the Alpha Upsilon house?
    A: The cost of living in the house is approximately $2460 per semester for the 2015-2016 school year.
      This includes fraternity dues, room and board, 10 meals per week by our cook, washers and dryers, cable, and high speed internet. The house bill will be $615 per month for in house brothers, and $165 per month for out of house brothers.


    Q:  What should I bring for my room in the Alpha Gamma Rho House?
    A: House guests will be paired with an active brother as roommates.
      Each room has two twin beds, two desks, four dresser drawers, and two closets. The recommended items that you will need for your room are: Extra Long twin sheets and bedding, extra storage is a good idea (plastic totes or drawers work well), personal items and toiletries. As far as other items for the room, it is best for House Guests to wait to see what their roommate already has.  


    Q:  Are there areas in the house that are quiet for studying?
    A: Yes, we have a study room and an Executive Council room that are adjoined.
      These rooms maintain quietness throughout the day and night. The dorm area has mandatory quiet hours each night Sunday through Thursday. We have four house computers that are available at any time and a test file with old tests from most courses. All new members must complete a minimum of one study hour a day. 


    What activities can I be involved with as a member of Alpha Gamma Rho?
    A: We are very involved on the UT Martin campus.
      As fraternity we compete in Homecoming activities such as: ROPE PULL, Pyramid, and Lipsync. We also participate in inter mural sports such as: soccer, flag football, basketball, and water polo. We also have mixers and events with other Greek organizations. We have representatives in most of the college organizations including: Student Government Association, Pep Leaders, UTM Rodeo, National FFA Organization, etc. 


    Do we allow alcohol on the Alpha Upsilon premises?
    A: No, alcohol is not allowed on the property owned by the Alpha Upsilon chapter of Alpha Gamma Rho.
      We have a dry house. We take this rule very seriously. There is a $100 fine for alcoholic beverages consumed on Alpha Upsilon property. We are proudly one of nine fraternities in the entire United States of America to have an alcohol free house. This furthermore promotes our purpose of making better men.